Our solicitors hold a variety of Special Qualifications so they are well equipped to provide the legal services you are looking for. We have amongst our solicitors:
- China-Appointed Attesting Officer (中國委託公證人)
- Notary Public
- Greater Bay Area Lawyer (粵港澳大灣區律師)
- Civil Celebrants of Marriages
The solicitors at our firm are experienced in their respective fields, with some having been practising for over 30 years.
Our team of solicitors is supported by our general staff, who are also experienced and work hard with our solicitors to ensure the best possible service for you.
Alfred C.Y. CHOW BBS JP LLB (Hons), MSocSc, DipChLaw
Peter K.S. CHAN LLB (Hons)
Paul K.H. WONG LLB (Hons)
Kenny K.W. HO
Benji K. H. LEE LLB (Hons), B.Sc.
LAW Shun Wo BA (Hons)
Joseph W.N. CHEUNG LLB (Hons), LLM, BBA, MBA, MSc
Joseph K.K. CHU LLB (Hons)
Assistant Solicitor / Associate
Tom C.Y. TSANG LLB(Hons)
W.S. CHOW J.D., B Sc. (Hons)
Athena S.Y. LEE LLB(Hons)
John S.K. TANG J.D., BSoc Sc. (Hons)
Carmen T.Y. NG LLB(Hons)